Tuesday, October 03, 2006
the light wins

some lit girl wrote this in her essay and it was shown to everyone in the cohort who takes lit.
"Raise the level of horror by creating a dark atmosphere where one is even more vulnerable and helpless."
i think its pretty obvious.
people do feel vulnerable and helpless in the dark.
when in the dark, they fear.
however, they fear not of darkness.
i mean its just pitch black darkness. why fear?
people fear not the darkness but the unknown.



simple as that.
light drives away darkness but darkness can never drive away light.
light is sure to win and light can remove all our fears.
im a lightbulb and i found my Power.
and now i shine.
all my fears driven away because there's no more darkness!
and thts the happiest thing that can ever happen to me.

but tht is just the beginning.
im not only going to light up my own room and be happy in it myself.
but im going to light up my whole house, remove all fears in the family.
im going to light up my school, remove all fears in my friends.
now that i've found the light, im going to go back to all the dark places and put that light to good use.
im going to reattach all the lost lightbulbs back to their Power Source and let them shine in all their different ways.

and the connection will be so good, quality of the wire and filament so powerful the bulb is everlasting.
no amount of short circuit or blown fuse can blow the circuit.
no obstacle will stop the current from flowing from the positive to the negative end.
and the voltage will be so high, the bulb will be so bright.
devil, you can try harder but youre simply going to be blinded by my beautiful light.
haven't you heard about my BIG BIG God?


12:29:00 am
